Event Venue
The PodiumNationality/Passport requirements:
All custom credentials will be printed prior to the event. Athletes MUST be registered and have a profile picture attached to their USA Wrestling Membership profile before the March 24st at 1:00pm MT deadline to receive their tournament credential. If you have not done this already, please put your picture in as soon as possible.
Custom Credential Deadline is March 24th - 1:00PM MT - MUST have a profile picture uploaded.
All Divisions
Club Name or Weight Change Instructions:
In order to change club, the club must be listed as a primary club in the athlete’s profile. This will be found under affiliations.
USA Wrestling Event Refund Policy: Your USA Wrestling event purchase through the USA Wrestling membership system (tournament entry, coaches pass, tickets, etc.) is non-refundable. Any cancelation that takes place after purchase, or after the event has been passed, will not be refunded. By completing this event purchase, you understand that all purchases are non-refundable for whatever reason.
USA Wrestling does not charge for adjusting weight classes, even at weigh-ins.
USA Bracketing is now live!
USA Bracketing is a comprehensive tournament management solution where you can create, customize, and manage sports brackets effortlessly with real-time updates.
What you can do TODAY:
As with anything new, there will be a learning curve as many events will migrate between USA Bracketing and Trackwrestling. Below is a link to the USA Wrestling YouTube channel that demonstrates some of the functions of USA Bracketing along with some tips & tricks.
USA Bracketing User Guide: CLICK HERE