Event Venue
The MidAmerican Energy Company RecPlexAthlete Credentials: All custom credentials will be printed prior to the event. Athletes MUST be registered and have a profile picture attached to their USA Wrestling Membership profile before the March 1st deadline to receive their tournament credential. If you have not done this already, please put your picture in as soon as possible.
Looking for Table Workers - Please email Marty at mmargolis@usawrestling.org if your club is interested in working tables.
Registration Deadlines & Entry Fees: 16U, and Junior Divisions
Flash Sale Pre-Registration
Early Bird Pre-Registration
Online Registration
Late Online Registration
Registration Deadlines & Entry Fees: MASTERS DIVISION
Late Online Registration
*Medical certificate is required to compete in Master’s C, D, E, & F and must be turned in during weigh-ins. It must be filled out 90 days prior to competition
Click Here for Masters Medical Form for C, D , E & F athletes
NEW Registration through USAWMEMBERSHIP.COM. In order to have the correct club affiliation, each individual athlete and coaches membership profile must have the correct USA Wrestling chartered club listed.
Update Club Name or Weight Change Instructions:
1. Log back into usawmembership.com
2. Click “Manage” on the top.
3. Click “Event Registration”
4. Select the event you would like to update your weight class or club name.
In order to change club, the club must be listed as a primary club in the athlete’s profile. This will be found under affiliations.
USA Wrestling does not charge for adjusting weight classes, even at weigh-ins.
USA Bracketing is now live!
USA Bracketing is a comprehensive tournament management solution where you can create, customize, and manage sports brackets effortlessly with real-time updates.
What you can do TODAY:
As with anything new, there will be a learning curve as many events will migrate between USA Bracketing and Trackwrestling. Below is a link to the USA Wrestling YouTube channel that demonstrates some of the functions of USA Bracketing along with some tips & tricks.
USA Bracketing User Guide: CLICK HERE