Event Venue
Norton Healthcare Sports & Learning CenterSchedule Subject to Change
Registration for ALL Freestyle Groups:
8U, 10U, 12U, 14U, 16U, Juniors
6:30 PM to 7:30 PM
Medical Check & Weigh-in for ALL Freestyle Groups:
8U, 10U, 12U, 14U, 16U, Juniors and Girls
7:30 PM to 8:00 PM
Mat Officials Clinic:
8:15 PM to 9:30 PM
Registration for all wrestlers that did not register and weigh-in on Friday night.
Freestyle Groups:
8U, 10U, 12U, 14U,16U, Juniors and Girls
7:00-7:30 AM
(Wrestlers who will participate in both styles must also register and be weighted-in at this time if they haven’t weighed–in already.)
Freestyle Tournament Set-up:
7:30 AM to 9:00 AM
Freestyle Rules Clinic:
8:30 AM to 8:45 AM
Freestyle Session I -
8U, 10U, 12U, 14U, Juniors and All Girls Except 16U -
9:00 AM to conclusion
Freestyle Session II -
16U Division including 16U Girls -
1:00 PM EST to conclusion
Regionals Directors Meeting -
To be Announced
Social (Mat & Pairing Officials) -
8:00 PM EST to Conclusion
Registration for all Athletes that are participating in Greco-Roman ONLY -
7:00 AM to 7:30 AM EST
Weigh-ins for all Athletes that are participating in Greco-Roman ONLY
7:30 AM to 8:00 AM EST
Greco-Roman Tournament Set-up:
8:00 AM to 10:00 AM
Greco-Roman Rules Clinic:
9:30 AM to 9:45 AM
Greco-Roman Preliminaries to Completion:
10:00 AM to Conclusion