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Wolf Classic Greco Kickoff
Age Group 16U Weight 190 Round Round 2 Result
Jesse Howard (Palmetto State Wrestling Acade) TF 9-0 Cooper Enscoe (War Eagle Wrestling Club)
Age Group 16U Weight 190 Round Round 2 Result
Logan Hinton (Valhalla Wrestling Club) TF 8-0 Logan Isenhower (Mat militia)
Age Group 16U Weight 190 Round Round 3 Result
Logan Hinton (Valhalla Wrestling Club) TF 11-0 Jesse Howard (Palmetto State Wrestling Acade)
Age Group 16U Weight 190 Round Round 3 Result
Logan Isenhower (Mat militia) TF 14-6 Cooper Enscoe (War Eagle Wrestling Club)
Age Group JUNIOR Weight 120 Round Round 1 Result
William Jakeway (Sons Of Thunder Wrestling) TF 12-0 Eddie Yambao (Legacy Elite Wrestling)
Age Group JUNIOR Weight 120 Round Round 2 Result
William Jakeway (Sons Of Thunder Wrestling) TF 10-0 Eddie Yambao (Legacy Elite Wrestling)
Age Group JUNIOR Weight 132 Round Round 1 Result
Devon Conner (Brave Tough Wrestling Club) Fall 1:19 Jaden Sikorski (talon)
Age Group JUNIOR Weight 132 Round Round 1 Result
Ayden Surratt (Mat militia) TF 9-0 Darren Haney (843 SOT)
Age Group JUNIOR Weight 132 Round Round 2 Result
Devon Conner (Brave Tough Wrestling Club) TF 12-1 Ayden Surratt (Mat militia)
Age Group JUNIOR Weight 132 Round Round 2 Result
Jaden Sikorski (talon) TF 8-0 Darren Haney (843 SOT)
Age Group JUNIOR Weight 132 Round Round 3 Result
Devon Conner (Brave Tough Wrestling Club) TF 10-0 Darren Haney (843 SOT)
Age Group JUNIOR Weight 132 Round Round 3 Result
Ayden Surratt (Mat militia) Fall 3:57 Jaden Sikorski (talon)
Age Group JUNIOR Weight 138-144 Round Round 1 Result
Nathan Gates (Legacy Elite Wrestling) FF Zackary Porterfield (Valhalla Wrestling Club)
Age Group JUNIOR Weight 138-144 Round Round 2 Result
Nathan Gates (Legacy Elite Wrestling) FF Zackary Porterfield (Valhalla Wrestling Club)
Age Group JUNIOR Weight 150 Round Round 1 Result
Jaden Charles (Unaffiliated) TF 9-0 Noah Gilbert (843 SOT)
Age Group JUNIOR Weight 150 Round Round 2 Result
Tommy Johnson (Legacy Elite Wrestling) TF 9-0 Noah Gilbert (843 SOT)
Age Group JUNIOR Weight 150 Round Round 3 Result
Tommy Johnson (Legacy Elite Wrestling) Fall 2:51 Jaden Charles (Unaffiliated)
Age Group JUNIOR Weight 157 Round Round 1 Result
Elijah Wilson (843 SOT) Fall 5:32 John OBrien (Conway Wrestling)
Age Group JUNIOR Weight 157 Round Round 2 Result
Wyatt Hicks (C2X) Fall 0:57 Elijah Wilson (843 SOT)
Age Group JUNIOR Weight 157 Round Round 3 Result
Wyatt Hicks (C2X) Fall 0:29 John OBrien (Conway Wrestling)
Age Group JUNIOR Weight 165 Round Round 1 Result
Lake Newman (Ring Worm Wrestling Club) TF 8-0 Elijah Wilson (843 SOT)
Age Group JUNIOR Weight 165 Round Round 2 Result
Lake Newman (Ring Worm Wrestling Club) Fall 1:49 Isaac Jackson (War Eagle Wrestling Club)
Age Group JUNIOR Weight 165 Round Round 3 Result
Elijah Wilson (843 SOT) Fall 1:29 Isaac Jackson (War Eagle Wrestling Club)
Age Group JUNIOR Weight 175-190 Round Quarterfinal Result
Mason Fee (Unaffiliated) Fall 2:59 Ralph Marsh (N/A)
Age Group JUNIOR Weight 175-190 Round Quarterfinal Result
Victor Smith (Warrior Elite Wrestling Club) Fall 1:34 Cason Joyner (Unaffiliated)