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Wolf Classic Greco Kickoff
Age Group 16U Weight 132-138 Round Cons. Semi Result
Bryce Adkins (Legacy Elite Wrestling) TF 8-0 Cullen Bradley (War Eagle Wrestling Club)
Age Group 16U Weight 132-138 Round 1st Place Match Result
Zane Chavis (Sons Of Thunder Wrestling) TF 8-0 Alexander Sosa (Sons Of Thunder Wrestling)
Age Group 16U Weight 132-138 Round 3rd Place Match Result
Bryce Adkins (Legacy Elite Wrestling) TF 10-2 Gary Barnes (Valhalla Wrestling Club)
Age Group 16U Weight 132-138 Round 2nd Place Match Result
Bryce Adkins (Legacy Elite Wrestling) Fall 1:05 Alexander Sosa (Sons Of Thunder Wrestling)
Age Group 16U Weight 144 Round Quarterfinal Result
Jacob Bannister (Legacy Elite Wrestling) Fall 0:49 Kameron Gibson (Valhalla Wrestling Club)
Age Group 16U Weight 144 Round Semifinal Result
Henry Martin Schultz (Charleston Regional Training Center) TF 10-0 Jacob Bannister (Legacy Elite Wrestling)
Age Group 16U Weight 144 Round Semifinal Result
Houston Rudisill (Reverence Wrestling Club) TF 10-0 Samuel Tanner (Valhalla Wrestling Club)
Age Group 16U Weight 144 Round Cons. Semi Result
Kameron Gibson (Valhalla Wrestling Club) Fall 1:03 Samuel Tanner (Valhalla Wrestling Club)
Age Group 16U Weight 144 Round 1st Place Match Result
Houston Rudisill (Reverence Wrestling Club) Fall 0:18 Henry Martin Schultz (Charleston Regional Training Center)
Age Group 16U Weight 144 Round 3rd Place Match Result
Kameron Gibson (Valhalla Wrestling Club) TF 12-3 Jacob Bannister (Legacy Elite Wrestling)
Age Group 16U Weight 144 Round 2nd Place Match Result
Kameron Gibson (Valhalla Wrestling Club) FF Henry Martin Schultz (Charleston Regional Training Center)
Age Group 16U Weight 157-165 Round Round 1 Result
Will Hair (Misfits Wrestling) Fall 0:25 Braydon Bishop (Sons Of Thunder Wrestling)
Age Group 16U Weight 157-165 Round Round 1 Result
William Tripp (Palmetto State Wrestling Acade) TF 21-12 Eric Ellis (Mat militia)
Age Group 16U Weight 157-165 Round Round 2 Result
William Tripp (Palmetto State Wrestling Acade) Fall 1:36 Braydon Bishop (Sons Of Thunder Wrestling)
Age Group 16U Weight 157-165 Round Round 2 Result
Eric Ellis (Mat militia) Fall 0:13 Will Hair (Misfits Wrestling)
Age Group 16U Weight 157-165 Round Round 3 Result
Eric Ellis (Mat militia) Fall 1:28 Braydon Bishop (Sons Of Thunder Wrestling)
Age Group 16U Weight 157-165 Round Round 3 Result
William Tripp (Palmetto State Wrestling Acade) TF 8-0 Will Hair (Misfits Wrestling)
Age Group 16U Weight 175 Round Round 1 Result
Carlos Rios (Mat militia) Fall 0:02 Thomas Braeden Fulmore (Unattached)
Age Group 16U Weight 175 Round Round 1 Result
Jakaleb Robinson (Valhalla Wrestling Club) Fall 1:53 Lincoln Dial (Brave Tough Wrestling Club)
Age Group 16U Weight 175 Round Round 2 Result
Carlos Rios (Mat militia) FF Lincoln Dial (Brave Tough Wrestling Club)
Age Group 16U Weight 175 Round Round 2 Result
Jakaleb Robinson (Valhalla Wrestling Club) Fall 0:22 Thomas Braeden Fulmore (Unattached)
Age Group 16U Weight 175 Round Round 3 Result
Carlos Rios (Mat militia) Fall 1:33 Jakaleb Robinson (Valhalla Wrestling Club)
Age Group 16U Weight 175 Round Round 3 Result
Thomas Braeden Fulmore (Unattached) Fall 1:28 Lincoln Dial (Brave Tough Wrestling Club)
Age Group 16U Weight 190 Round Round 1 Result
Jesse Howard (Palmetto State Wrestling Acade) Dec 15-13 Logan Isenhower (Mat militia)
Age Group 16U Weight 190 Round Round 1 Result
Logan Hinton (Valhalla Wrestling Club) TF 8-0 Cooper Enscoe (War Eagle Wrestling Club)