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Wolf Classic Greco Kickoff
Age Group 14U Weight 83-92 Round Semifinal Result
Donovan Randall (Valhalla Wrestling Club) FF Jack DeSalvo (Ring Worm Wrestling Club)
Age Group 14U Weight 83-92 Round Cons. Semi Result
Mia Pardo (Brave Tough Wrestling Club) FF Jack DeSalvo (Ring Worm Wrestling Club)
Age Group 14U Weight 83-92 Round Cons. Semi Result
Blane Mcelheney (talon) Bye ()
Age Group 14U Weight 83-92 Round 1st Place Match Result
Donovan Randall (Valhalla Wrestling Club) Fall 0:43 Andrew Avery (Legacy Elite Wrestling)
Age Group 14U Weight 83-92 Round 3rd Place Match Result
Mia Pardo (Brave Tough Wrestling Club) Fall 1:13 Blane Mcelheney (talon)
Age Group 14U Weight 83-92 Round 2nd Place Match Result
Andrew Avery (Legacy Elite Wrestling) NC Mia Pardo (Brave Tough Wrestling Club)
Age Group 14U Weight 110-119 Round Quarterfinal Result
Danir Mikhaylov (Legacy Elite Wrestling) Dec 11-7 Dalton Hinson (KC Elite Training Center)
Age Group 14U Weight 110-119 Round Quarterfinal Result
Tyler McChesney (KC Elite Training Center) Fall 3:09 Eliav Charles (Unaffiliated)
Age Group 14U Weight 110-119 Round Semifinal Result
Noah Lynch (843 SOT) TF 8-0 Danir Mikhaylov (Legacy Elite Wrestling)
Age Group 14U Weight 110-119 Round Semifinal Result
Mason Saleeby (843 SOT) Fall 1:55 Tyler McChesney (KC Elite Training Center)
Age Group 14U Weight 110-119 Round Cons. Semi Result
Tyler McChesney (KC Elite Training Center) Fall 2:15 Dalton Hinson (KC Elite Training Center)
Age Group 14U Weight 110-119 Round Cons. Semi Result
Danir Mikhaylov (Legacy Elite Wrestling) Dec 6-0 Eliav Charles (Unaffiliated)
Age Group 14U Weight 110-119 Round 1st Place Match Result
Noah Lynch (843 SOT) TF 10-2 Mason Saleeby (843 SOT)
Age Group 14U Weight 110-119 Round 3rd Place Match Result
Tyler McChesney (KC Elite Training Center) Dec 6-6 Danir Mikhaylov (Legacy Elite Wrestling)
Age Group 14U Weight 110-119 Round 2nd Place Match Result
Mason Saleeby (843 SOT) NC Tyler McChesney (KC Elite Training Center)
Age Group 14U Weight 136-149 Round Round 1 Result
Samuel Parsons (Sons Of Thunder Wrestling) TF 13-5 Elias Osorio (Purnell Swett High School Wrestling)
Age Group 14U Weight 136-149 Round Round 2 Result
Elias Osorio (Purnell Swett High School Wrestling) Dec 11-4 Andrew Powell (843 SOT)
Age Group 14U Weight 136-149 Round Round 3 Result
Samuel Parsons (Sons Of Thunder Wrestling) Fall 3:45 Andrew Powell (843 SOT)
Age Group 16U Weight 106 Round Round 1 Result
De`von Peterson (Unaffiliated) FF Matt Boland (Ring Worm Wrestling Club)
Age Group 16U Weight 106 Round Round 1 Result
Carson Sturgess (Congaree Coyotes Wrestling) TF 12-2 Bryson Hipps (Valhalla Wrestling Club)
Age Group 16U Weight 106 Round Round 2 Result
Bryson Hipps (Valhalla Wrestling Club) FF Matt Boland (Ring Worm Wrestling Club)
Age Group 16U Weight 106 Round Round 2 Result
Carson Sturgess (Congaree Coyotes Wrestling) Fall 3:41 De`von Peterson (Unaffiliated)
Age Group 16U Weight 106 Round Round 3 Result
Carson Sturgess (Congaree Coyotes Wrestling) FF Matt Boland (Ring Worm Wrestling Club)
Age Group 16U Weight 106 Round Round 3 Result
De`von Peterson (Unaffiliated) Fall 0:38 Bryson Hipps (Valhalla Wrestling Club)
Age Group 16U Weight 113-120 Round Round 1 Result
Evan Gates (Legacy Elite Wrestling) TF 8-0 Luciano Chavez (843 SOT)