2024 Bill Farrell Memorial International

New York, NY

11/07/2024 - 11/09/2024

Event Venue

New York Athletic Club
180 Central Park South
New York, NY 10019

Event Director

Pete Isais


The 2024-2025 Membership Year begins September 1, 2024 and goes through August 31, 2025.


To purchase or renew your membership now, please visit www.USAWMembership.com 


Per UWW regulations, all competitors are required to have UWW license.  Wrestlers must purchase their UWW license in 2024 prior to the Bill Farrell International Open, please bring your personal UWW card or provide the list of athletes of your country at registration.  UWW Licenses CANNOT be purchased on-site.   


To purchase through USA Wrestling contact Jamie McNab at  jmcnab@usawrestling.org. DEADLINE TO GET JAIMIE ALL DOCUMENTS IS OCTOBER 23rd.


Registration through USAWMEMBERSHIP.COM. In order to have the correct club affiliation, each individual athlete and coaches membership profile must have the correct USA Wrestling sanctioned club listed. 


All athletes who are U.S. citizens, meet the Senior age group requirements and have fulfilled the existing qualifying procedures are eligible to participate at the 2024 Bill Farrell Memorial.  



ATHENA Registration Deadline October 31st




All athletes who meet age-group requirements and are current members of USA Wrestling are eligible to participate. Wrestlers must enter their USA Wrestling Membership number when they register online. Wrestlers that do not have valid USA Wrestling Membership numbers will not be allowed to register. If you have lost or forgotten your membership number, please contact svest@usawrestling.org


To renew your membership, please visit www.usawmembership.com, or contact your state director at www.themat.com



All coaches that wish to gain access to the competition floor to coach athletes must have a current USA Wrestling Leader MembershipCard. All USA Wrestling Leader MembershipCards MUST be attained prior to the event, due to mandatory background checking. For a USA Wrestling Leader MembershipCard, please click HERE. PLEASE ALLOW UP TO 30 DAYS FOR COMPLETION OF USA WRESTLING LEADER MEMBERSHIP/BACKGROUND CHECK PROCESS. 



Want to become a USA Wrestling Bronze level certified coach? Please contact USA Wrestling's Manager of National Coaches Education Program, Mike Clayton, at mclayton@usawrestling.org