2024 U.S. Marine Corps Junior & 16U Nationals

Fargo, ND

07/12/2024 - 07/20/2024

Event Venue

Fargo Dome
1800 N University Dr
Fargo, ND 58102

Event Director

Christina Hargrove


Fargo Coaches Informational Video - CLICK HERE


Protest procedure:


In the event a mistake involving the clock time, inverse/wrong scoring, or the clock indicating the wrong criteria during the bout, a coach ”MUST” initiate the video challenge (Throw the challenge brick) using the USA Wrestling Video Challenge timing procedures.  Written protest will not be accepted, if during the bout the coach has the opportunity to request a video challenge and fails to initiate the challenge process.


Written protest involving proce­­dural errors by the officiating team that may have affected the results of the match could result in re-wrestling either the entire match or just the second period depending on when the mistake was made. 



If the coach recognizes the error, they must immediately, without fear of penalty, request a challenge by throwing the challenge brick onto the mat.


Junior & 16U Nationals Qualifications:

State teams shall be limited to four (4) wrestlers per age per style per weight class. Wrestlers who earn automatic qualifier status shall not count against any limit.


Automatic Qualifier – Junior & 16U Nationals:

The following shall serve as automatic qualifiers at Junior & 16U Nationals and shall not count against any roster limit:

  • Current year 1st-6th Place at USA Wrestling Regionals (placement must be in the same age and style)
  • Current year 1st-8th Place at U15 Nationals (placement must be in the same style)
  • Current year 1st-8th Place at U17 Nationals (placement must be in the same style)
  • Current year 1st-8th Place at U20 Nationals (placement must be in the same style)
  • Previous year 1st-8th Place at Junior Nationals (placement must be in the same style)
  • Previous year 1st-8th Place at 16U Nationals (placement must be in the same style)
  • Previous year age-level World Team member (must be in the same style)


*Geographical Exception for Qualification Procedures – Junior & 16U Nationals

For Hawaii and Alaska only, their roster limit shall not exceed 4 per weight class plus 2 additional wrestlers. The wrestlers can be at any weight class. (e.g.: 15 weight classes = 62 wrestlers)




All wrestlers weighing in must be in the weigh-in area by the beginning of the posted weigh-in time and must remain in the area until he/she has weighed in.  The weigh-in area is deemed to be seating sections 9-12 and/or the area under the bleachers on the west side of the FargoDome, which is where athletes stage for medical checks. 

Any wrestler(s) who fails to comply will not be allowed to weigh in, thus will also not be allowed to compete.





USA Wrestling Performance Index (PIN): Separation used for all brackets. Click here for more information about PIN 

  • The USA Wrestling Performance Index (PIN) measures consistency over time and rates the probability of a person winning against an opponent based on their bodies of work.
  • A person with a higher PIN is considered more likely to beat someone with a lower PIN and the closer the PINs are the closer the probability gets to 50/50 chances.
  • This does not reward the one time win or head-to-head over an opponent; what it does is rewards consistency over time. If you consistently beat people with higher PINs, you will gain PIN points to surpass them in index given that you do not lose to lesser competition along the way.


In effect immediately, USA Wrestling events will follow the 2022 UWW Rule changes for Freestyle and Greco-Roman. All Regional/National events will follow these rules and policies.

2022 Regional/National Rules Modifications


1. If an athlete flees the mat during an attack and the offensive wrestler finishes his/her takedown or other scoring maneuver, the offensive wrestler will score the takedown/scoring maneuver (2, 4, or 5 points)  PLUS caution to his/her opponent and one more point (2, 4, 5 + 1).  Match will restart in PAR TERRE.  This rule applies to all styles.


2. If an athlete flees the mat during an attack and the offensive wrestler is unable to finish his/her attack, the offensive wrestler will score the step out (1 point) PLUS caution to his/her opponent and one more point (1 + 1).  Match will restart STANDING.  This rule applies to all styles.


3. If an athlete flees the mat in par terre, caution to the defensive wrestler and his/her opponent receives one point.  Athletes will restart in par terre. -- If an athlete flees in danger, caution to the defensive wrestler plus two points to the offensive wrestler, restart par terre (no change from previous rules).


4. Par Terre Starting Position:  Match will start once the offensive athlete places hands on any part of the back.


5. If an athlete is put on activity time and does not score, the active wrestler will get one point on top of any points he/she scores in activity time.  The passive athlete on activity time must score in that 30 seconds or their opponent will receive one point.  The point will be awarded without stopping the match.


6. In the 14U and younger, U15, 16U, U17 and Veteran age categories, no verbal warning for inactivity will be given due to the shortened periods.  The first stoppage in the match for passivity will go directly to activity time. 


7. All Masters age categories will wrestle 2-minute periods.


8. In a fall situation where the defensive athlete nearly has his/her shoulders to the mat and screams to simulate an injury and a reason for this potential injury is not observed, the refereeing team is obligated to call a fall, with mat chairman approval.


9. 14U and younger age categories ARE required to wear headgear.  A distinguishable shade of red or blue is acceptable singlet.


10. Double arm bar with sit-out, three quarter nelson w/leg hook and west point ride (iron cross/cross chest cradle) maneuvers are now LEGAL in all age divisions.


11. Technical superiority in GR will now be 8 points across ALL age divisions.


12. Kickbacks are legal in FS, assuming the offensive wrestler does not use undue force against the defensive wrestler’s knee. This has always been legal.


13. In Greco the offensive wrestler DOES NOT have to accompany his opponent to the mat during a throw or action in order to score points.


14. Mouth guards are not required for wrestlers (even wrestlers with braces) but recommended


15. Rest time in between matches is a minimum of 15 minutes


16. A match can be started when a wrestler does not have a coach


USA Wrestling rules governing ages, weights and match time will take precedence where applicable. USA Wrestling Protest Procedures will govern all challenges, and where available video review will be used to aid in the decision making process.  


2024 RULE BOOK: https://www.usawmembership.com/usa_wrestling_rule_book