2023 Brian Keck Memorial Preseason Nationals & Boys National Recruiting Showcase

Des Moines, IA

10/26/2023 - 10/29/2023

Event Venue

Iowa Events Center (Hyvee Hall)
730 3rd St
Des Moines, IA 50309

Event Director

Richard Razo





USA Wrestling has secured a block of rooms at multiple hotels for Athletes, Coaches and Spectators!


Save on your registration by booking your hotel room through the booking link below.  Once you have booked your hotel, you will recieve a Registration Discount Code to enter during your event registration process. 


Hotel Booking Link 



FLASH SALE Pre-Registration Deadline: September 1st, 5:00 PM MT - $70 without hotel code, $60 with hotel code

Early Bird Registration Deadline: Septemebr 29th at 5:00 PM MT - $80 without hotel code, $70 with hotel code