Beat The Streets National Duals
Age Group Boys' Duals Weight 285 Round RR Rnd 1 Result
William Francis (Beat The Streets New England) VFA 1:22 2-4 Abraham Datte (Beat The Streets Los Angeles)
Age Group Boys' Duals Weight 285 Round RR Rnd 2 Result
ROY PHELPS (Beat The Streets Chicago) VSU 10-0 1:45 William Riley (Beat the Streets Philadelphia)
Age Group Boys' Duals Weight 215 Round RR Rnd 1 Result
Kevin Rodriguez (Beat The Streets Los Angeles) VSU 10-0 0:58 Abner Mateo (Beat The Streets New England)
Age Group Boys' Duals Weight 190 Round RR Rnd 3 Result
Maleek Ayonrinde (Beat The Streets Baltimore) VFA 0:29 2-0 sergio ramos (Beat the Streets DC)
Age Group Boys' Duals Weight 190 Round RR Rnd 1 Result
Isael Perez (Beat The Streets New England) VFA 1:51 10-0 Roberto Villanueva (Beat The Streets Los Angeles)
Age Group Boys' Duals Weight 175 Round RR Rnd 3 Result
Alex Ouzts (Beat the Streets DC) VFA 1:32 7-0 Pauly Ayden (Beat The Streets Baltimore)
Age Group Boys' Duals Weight 215 Round RR Rnd 2 Result
Eric Haris (Beat The Streets Chicago) VSU1 13-1 1:43 Nasir Yard (Beat the Streets Philadelphia)
Age Group Boys' Duals Weight 285 Round RR Rnd 2 Result
Dayne Caldwell (Beat The Streets Austin) VFO 0-0 ()
Age Group Boys' Duals Weight 165 Round RR Rnd 3 Result
Juwon Omtoso (Beat The Streets Baltimore) VSU 10-0 1:29 Myles Brown (Beat the Streets DC)
Age Group Boys' Duals Weight 175 Round RR Rnd 1 Result
Daniel Benavidez (Beat The Streets Los Angeles) VFA 2:30 6-4 Erick Mazariego (Beat The Streets New England)
Age Group Boys' Duals Weight 215 Round RR Rnd 2 Result
Santino Cook (Beat The Streets Detroit) VFO 0-0 ()
Age Group Boys' Duals Weight 190 Round RR Rnd 2 Result
Dez Lefebvre (Beat The Streets Detroit) VFA 1:14 8-0 Bolen Colton (Beat The Streets Austin)
Age Group Boys' Duals Weight 190 Round RR Rnd 2 Result
Artem Skyba (Beat the Streets Philadelphia) VSU 10-0 0:27 Elija Villegas (Beat The Streets Chicago)
Age Group Boys' Duals Weight 175 Round RR Rnd 2 Result
Ernazar Baiyshbekov (Beat the Streets Philadelphia) VSU 10-0 1:19 Gabino Perez (Beat The Streets Chicago)
Age Group Boys' Duals Weight 157 Round RR Rnd 3 Result
Chace Carpintieri (Beat The Streets Baltimore) VSU1 10-0 0:31 victor rivas (Beat the Streets DC)
Age Group Boys' Duals Weight 175 Round RR Rnd 2 Result
Evans Gaeden (Beat The Streets Austin) VSU1 16-6 1:58 Lucas Kurzyniec (Beat The Streets Detroit)
Age Group Boys' Duals Weight 150 Round RR Rnd 3 Result
Darryl Davis (Beat The Streets Baltimore) VSU1 13-3 0:00 Jasson Lopez (Beat the Streets DC)
Age Group Boys' Duals Weight 165 Round RR Rnd 2 Result
Greyson Catlow-Sidler (Beat the Streets Philadelphia) VSU1 12-2 3:33 David Ogunsanya (Beat The Streets Chicago)
Age Group Boys' Duals Weight 165 Round RR Rnd 1 Result
Bennett Resner (Beat The Streets New England) VSU1 12-2 1:06 Damian Ruvacalba (Beat The Streets Los Angeles)
Age Group Boys' Duals Weight 157 Round RR Rnd 1 Result
Aziz Mian (Beat The Streets New England) VSU1 12-1 3:12 Nyol Jenkins (Beat The Streets Los Angeles)
Age Group Boys' Duals Weight 165 Round RR Rnd 2 Result
Bryant Mauricio (Beat The Streets Austin) VSU 10-0 1:17 Rhamone Nash (Beat The Streets Detroit)
Age Group Boys' Duals Weight 285 Round RR Rnd 3 Result
Shahrom Sayfullobekov (Beat The Streets NYC) VFO 0-0 ()
Age Group Boys' Duals Weight 215 Round RR Rnd 3 Result
Denzel Perez (Beat The Streets NYC) VFO 0-0 ()
Age Group Boys' Duals Weight 157 Round RR Rnd 2 Result
Mukhammad Nasriddinkhujaev (Beat the Streets Philadelphia) VSU1 17-6 3:24 Arkail Griffin (Beat The Streets Chicago)
Age Group Boys' Duals Weight 190 Round RR Rnd 3 Result
Gideon Fasanya (Beat The Streets Lancaster) VFA 2:04 6-8 Denzel Perez (Beat The Streets NYC)