2025 TX-USA Wrestling Youth State

Bryan, TX

02/22/2025 - 02/23/2025

Event Venue

Legends Event Center
2533 Midtown Park Blvd
Bryan, TX 78701



  • Tot to D4 Open and G1 to G4 Girls wrestlers must have competed in 3 events at the weight or lower for the weight class they register to compete at state.

  • D5 and G5 Divisions do not require any qualifiers to compete.

  • Under Texas USA Wrestling Rules, all high school students are classified as D5, regardless of whether their birthdate falls within the D4 division.

  • Wrestlers may enter more than 1 Group if eligible based on experience level, but may not double enter in any one tournament. (i.e. 1st year wrestlers can enter in Rookie, Novice & Open, but cannot enter as Rookie D1 55 and Rookie D2 55).

  • See website and youth rules for specifics on Group eligibility based on experience level HERE.

Parents and Club leaders,
Please be mindful of the correct experience level for your wrestlers. Wrestlers that are entered into the wrong experience level will be removed form that event when it is reported they do not belong in that / qualify for that event. This could happen after brackets are built and wrestling has commenced. There will be no refunds for incorrectly registering your athlete in the wrong experience level.


Rookie (Beginners)

1st year wrestlers only; no wrestling matches any style, anywhere, prior to March 15, 2024.

Novice (Emerging)

ALL 2nd year wrestlers; no wrestling matches anywhere, any style, prior to March 15, 2023.

Open (Advanced)

3rd year wrestler and beyond
All wrestlers qualify for Open state if they have competed in 3 TX-USAW events starting or after November 1, 2024. They must have 3 weigh ins at or below the weight they want to compete at state. D5 and G5 are not required to have qualifiers.
• a wrestler with only 3 events who weighs-in at 70, 75, 70 may compete at 75 or higher.
• A wrestler with more than 3 events may compete at the weight class or higher for which they have 3 weigh-ins - 70, 70, 75, 75, 70 may compete at 70 or higher)