Event Venue
Greater Philadelphia Expo Center at Oaks
Registration procedure: It is mandatory for teams to register online at www.usawmembership.com. Below is the process:
USAW membership System Directions:
1. State Leaders click on your State Leader tab under the Admin section of your profile.
2. Click on National Teams and Start a New Team under the 2025 year. Please refer to item 18 on policies and procedures for proper Team Name
3. Add a Team Leader to your National Team. This will give them access to add/delete wrestlers to the roster.
4. Teams will be seeded according to the aggregate PIN rating for wrestling on participating teams.
5. All athletes must have a current membership to be added to a team roster. If the athlete turns 18 during the membership year they will need to complete SafeSport. 6. Team Leaders and Coaches must have current Wrestling Leader membership
USA Bracketing is now live!
USA Bracketing is a comprehensive tournament management solution where you can create, customize, and manage sports brackets effortlessly with real-time updates.
What you can do TODAY:
As with anything new, there will be a learning curve as many events will migrate between USA Bracketing and Trackwrestling. Below is a link to the USA Wrestling YouTube channel that demonstrates some of the functions of USA Bracketing along with some tips & tricks.
USA Bracketing User Guide: CLICK HERE