Event Venue
Zions Bank Real Academy
14787 Academy Pkwy
Herriman, UT 84096
Event Director
Jeffrey Newby
2024 Dual Policies - link coming soon
Athlete information should be entered prior to June 1, 2025
- Roster verification Greco-Roman: Tuesday June 10 at 3:00 PM onsite
- Roster verification Freestyle: Thursday June 12 at 3:00 PM onsite
- Teams will be entered and verified through USAWmembership.com.
- All teams participating in the Duals must register at USAWmembership.com.
- Draw numbers for each team will be pulled at the time of roster verification for each event.
Registration procedure:
It is mandatory for teams to register online at www.usawmembership.com. Below is the process:
- Team registration form and entry fee ($1,375 per team per style) are due to the host by the stated date May 1st, 2025.
- Team registration form must include a team leader contact and email address
- Upon receipt of your team entry form and fee you will be emailed a packet of policies
- Teams will be seeded according to the aggregate PIN ratings for wrestlers on participating teams.
- Upon arrival at the event, you will be given your roster for verification. You will need to sign off on team members and seeding points.
USA Wrestling membership system directions:
- State leaders click on your State Leader tab under the admin section of your profile
- Click on National Teams and start a new team under the 2025 year. Please refer to item 18 on policies and procedures for proper team naming.
- Add a Team Leader to your National Team. This will give them access to add/delete wrestlers to the roster.
- All athletes must have a current membership to be added to a team roster. If the athlete turns 18 during the membership year, they will need to complete a SafeSport.
- Team Leaders and coaches must have current Wrestling Leader membership.
USA Bracketing is now live!
USA Bracketing is a comprehensive tournament management solution where you can create, customize, and manage sports brackets effortlessly with real-time updates.
What you can do TODAY:
- Athletes, parents, coaches, etc. can create their profiles in USA Bracketing (usabracketing.com). USAB works directly with the USAW membership system to make creating your profile easy.
- Event organizers can set up 2025 events.
- Familiarize yourself with USA Bracketing online to get a firsthand look at the benefits, functionality, and user experience.
As with anything new, there will be a learning curve as many events will migrate between USA Bracketing and Trackwrestling. Below is a link to the USA Wrestling YouTube channel that demonstrates some of the functions of USA Bracketing along with some tips & tricks.
USA Bracketing User Guide: CLICK HERE