Event Venue
All wrestlers must be in the weigh-in area* by the designated start time and must remain in the area until he has weighed in. Once all wrestlers who were in the weigh-in area at the beginning of weigh-ins have weighed in, the weigh-in will be deemed complete and no other wrestlers will be allowed to weigh in. No weight reduction practices shall be allowed once weigh-ins begin.
* = Weigh-in area for 16U/Junior Nationals is deemed to be the seating sections of the North endzone Sections 24-26 and South endzone Sections 11-12 of the FargoDome (North endzone = 16U, South endzone = Junior).
FREESTYLE WEIGH-INS WILL NOT CARRY OVER TO GRECO-ROMAN. If athletes are competing in both freestyle and greco-roman, they must weigh-in during style specific weigh-in times
Any wrestler(s) who fails to comply will not be allowed to weigh in, thus will also not be allowed to compete.
1. USA Wrestling will no longer be providing management of cauliflower ears at tournament site. Refer to www.thematdoc.com for directions that can be shared with wrestlers personal physician upon arrival at home.
2. Any wrestler that sustains a concussion at the 2023 16U or Junior Duals or any USA Wrestling Regional event 2023 must have medical clearance by a MD or DO to compete and present to the USA Wrestling office prior to the event or present at Medical check.
3. Any wrestler who presents at Medical check with a temporary tattoo or makeup covering a skin lesion will be disqualified for the event.
4. Headgear are optional but opponent cannot request the headgear be removed.
5. All shoelaces must be taped or secured to by tape or Velcro prior to stepping on mat.
Athletes must be present in a COMPETITION SINGLET and must submit to a skin disease screening prior to weigh-in. The chief medical officer has full authority without appeal in determining the eligibility of an athlete to compete.
Click here for USA Wrestling Skin Disease Manual.
In the event of injury or illness, NO contestant will be permitted to continue the competition without approval of the Chief Medical Officer, whose decision is final and not subject to appeal.
All wrestlers weighing in must be in the weigh-in area by the beginning of the posted weigh-in time and must remain in the area until he/she has weighed in. The weigh-in area is deemed to be seating sections 9-12 and/or the area under the bleachers on the west side of the FargoDome, which is where athletes stage for medical checks.
Any wrestler(s) who fails to comply will not be allowed to weigh in, thus will also not be allowed to compete.
Each athlete will be allowed two consecutive attempts to make weight and may not leave the weigh-in area. The second attempt will take place at the LAST CHANCE SCALE in the weigh-in area. All wrestlers must be dressed in a COMPETITION SINGLET for weigh-ins and no weight allowance is given for the singlet. Wrestlers must weigh-in for each style they compete in.
Registration & Weigh-in Procedures:
1. Wrestlers must have a competition singlet on when entering the weigh-in area.
2. Wrestlers MUST be in the weigh-in area* by the beginning of weigh-ins and MUST remain in the area until he/she has weighed in.
3. Wrestlers must have a competition singlet on when entering the weigh-in area. They must submit to a skin disease screening prior to weigh-in. The chief medical officer has full authority without appeal in determining the eligibility of an athlete to compete. Parents/coaches cannot accompany the wrestlers. They will not be allowed to carry additional clothing or anything other than the weigh-in card with them during weigh-ins.
5. No Weight reduction practices shall be allowed once weigh-ins begin.
*** Weigh-in area for 16U/Junior Nationals is deemed to be the seating section of 9-12 and/or the area under the bleachers on the west side of the Fargo Dome (area where athletes stage for Medical checks before weigh-ins)
Curious about anti-doping rules? Click here for more information about what you can expect when you reach the next level.
USA WRESTLING NATIONAL EVENTS COORDINATOR will appoint a designated Medical Services Coordinator and/or Tournament Medical Director for each USA Wrestling International, National and Regional Event. This must be a medical professional licensed or Certified Health Care Provider. All on-site medical decisions by the Tournament Medical Coordinator/Physician Director are not subject to appeal or protest and are made in the best interest of the health and well being of the wrestler.
All competitors in a USA Wrestling International, National and Regional event must receive a copy of the rule related to Medical Coordinator/Physician Director and Concussion Management Protocol prior to competition.
If a wrestler becomes unconscious or referee, coach, athlete or medical provider suspects a wrestler may have received a concussion; the match must be stopped and a tournament medical staff person will assess the wrestler. The tournament medical staff will have unlimited time to determine if the wrestler can continue. (Change from USA Rules to UWW rules).
If the wrestler is allowed to continue the match; after completion of the match the wrestler must be escorted to the Medical area and must be given a recognized concussion evaluation which is documented by tournament medical staff. The tournament medical staff will complete a YELLOW Medical Alert and until the wrestler is granted GREEN Alert by tournament medical staff the wrestler is on a Medical Hold.
If the Tournament Medical staff determine the wrestler has a concussion or was determined unconscious by the Tournament Medical Staff on the Mat or post match the following procedure must be followed: