2023 Central Regional Championships

Fort Wayne, IN

05/19/2023 - 05/21/2023

Event Venue

Allen County War Memorial Coliseum
4000 Parnell Avenue
Fort Wayne, IN 46805

Event Director

Pat Culp

The 2022-2023 Membership Year begins August 22, 2022 and goes through August 31, 2023. 




Wrestlers must enter their USA Wrestling Membership number when they register online. Wrestlers that do not have valid USA Wrestling Membership numbers will not be allowed to register. 


If you have lost or forgotten your membership number, please contact svest@usawrestling.org. 



To renew your membership, please visit www.usawmembership.com 






All coaches that wish to gain access to the competition floor to coach athletes must have a current USA Wrestling Leader Membership Card. All USA Wrestling Leader Membership Cards MUST be attained prior to the event, due to mandatory background checking. For a USA Wrestling Leader Membership Card, please click HERE. PLEASE ALLOW UP TO 30 DAYS FOR COMPLETION OF USA WRESTLING LEADER MEMBERSHIP/BACKGROUND CHECK PROCESS. 




Coaches must be prepared to show their current USA Wrestling membership card and photo I.D. in order to purchase a coaches pass. Coaches must be 18 and older.  




How to Earn Coaching Certifications 


Copper & Bronze Certification

You can take the certification online through your membership profile. CLICK HERE for Coaching Certification


Scroll to manage and then coach certifications and once you purchase the course from your shopping cart your access it under the my courses tab. 


Certifications update immediately on your profile. You can print a membership card online and it will show all your NCEP Certification Levels. 


Please contact USA Wrestling's Manager of National Coaches Education Program, Mike Clayton, at mclayton@usawrestling.org if you have any issues.