2021 USAW High School National Recruiting Showcase - UT Qualifier

North Logan, UT

03/12/2021 - 03/13/2021

Event Venue

George S. Eccles Ice Center
2825 North 200 East
North Logan, UT 84341

Event Director

Jeffrey Newby

The 2020-2021 Membership Year begins September 1st, 2020 and goes through August 31, 2021.

To purchase or renew your membership now, please visit  www.USAWMembership.com


All athletes who meet age-group requirements and are current members of USA Wrestling are eligible to participate. Wrestlers must enter their USA Wrestling Membership number when they register online. Wrestlers that do not have valid USA Wrestling Membership numbers will not be allowed to register.
If you have lost or forgotten your membership number, please contact svest@usawrestling.org.

To renew your membership, please visit www.usawmembership.com, or contact your state director at www.themat.com.

Transgender Policy

USA Wrestling deems it necessary to ensure, insofar as possible, that transgender athletes are not excluded from the opportunity to participate in wrestling competitions. As such, USA Wrestling’s Gender Policy is based on the results and guidelines of the IOC actions.

Please read the transgender policy document in its entirety in order to understand the guidelines USA Wrestling follows in regards to transgender athletes competing at USA Wrestling events. 


All coaches that wish to gain access to the competition floor to coach athletes must have a current USA Wrestling Leader Membership Card. All USA Wrestling Leader Membership Cards MUST be attained prior to the event, due to mandatory background checking. For a USA Wrestling Leader Membership Card Card, please click HEREPLEASE ALLOW UP TO 30 DAYS FOR COMPLETION OF USAW LEADER MEMBERSHIP/BACKGROUND CHECK PROCESS.


Want to become a USA Wrestling Bronze level certified coach? Please contact USA Wrestling's Manager of National Coaches Education Program, Mike Clayton, at mclayton@usawrestling.org