Age Group Women's Freestyle | Weight 53 | Round Consi of 16 #2 |
Marissa Ritchie (Titan Mercury Wrestling Club) VIN 5:20 12-7 Danielle Garcia (Team Tornado Wrestling Club)
Age Group Greco Roman | Weight 60 | Round Semi-Finals |
Sam Jones (New York Athletic Club) VIN Ryan Mango (Army WCAP)
Age Group Women's Freestyle | Weight 57 | Round Consi of 16 #2 |
Gabrielle Skidmore (Twin Cities Regional Training Center) VPO1 8-2 Vayle Baker (Twin Cities Regional Training Center)
Age Group Women's Freestyle | Weight 57 | Round Consi of 16 #2 |
Koral Sugiyama (Twin Cities Regional Training Center) VPO1 6-5 Phoenix Dubose (Team Tornado Wrestling Club)
Age Group Women's Freestyle | Weight 57 | Round Consi of 16 #2 |
Kelsey Campbell (Sunkist Kids Wrestling Club) VPO 9-0 Niya Teresita Gaines (Lion Wrestling Club)
Age Group Women's Freestyle | Weight 57 | Round Consi of 16 #2 |
Gracie Figueroa (Titan Mercury Wrestling Club) VSU 10-0 2:08 Clarissa Archuleta (Spartan Mat Club)
Age Group Women's Freestyle | Weight 50 | Round Consi of 16 #2 |
Aleeah Gould (Team Tornado Wrestling Club) VPO1 7-3 Mariah Anderson (Rise Wrestling)
Age Group Women's Freestyle | Weight 57 | Round Consi of 16 #2 |
Emily Se (Lion Wrestling Club) VFO 0-0 Hailey Schiermeyer (Warrior Wrestling Club)
Age Group Women's Freestyle | Weight 57 | Round Consi of 16 #2 |
Xochitl Mota-Pettis (Rise Wrestling) VSU 10-0 2:23 Sierra Brown Ton (Colorado Mesa Wrestling Club)
Age Group Women's Freestyle | Weight 57 | Round Consi of 16 #2 |
Cheyenne Sisenstein (Team Tornado Wrestling Club) VPO1 8-5 Lauren Louive (New York Athletic Club)
Age Group Women's Freestyle | Weight 53 | Round Consi of 16 #2 |
Stefana Jelacic (Sunkist Kids Wrestling Club) VSU 11-0 5:10 Madison Angelito (Patriot Wrestling Club)
Age Group Women's Freestyle | Weight 53 | Round Consi of 16 #2 |
Victoria Smith (Unattached) VFA 5:52 7-5 Alexis Encinas (Unattached)
Age Group Women's Freestyle | Weight 53 | Round Consi of 16 #2 |
Alex Elias (Spartan Mat Club) VFA 5:41 11-5 Aleena Gomez (Colorado Mesa Wrestling Club)
Age Group Women's Freestyle | Weight 50 | Round Consi of 16 #2 |
Hannah Petersen (Unattached) VFA 5:00 10-8 Nina Pham (Unattached)
Age Group Women's Freestyle | Weight 50 | Round Consi of 16 #2 |
Vannessa Ramirez (McKendree Bearcat Wrestling Club) VSU 11-0 4:06 Samantha Weeks (Unattached)
Age Group Women's Freestyle | Weight 53 | Round Consi of 16 #2 |
CHarlotte Fowler (Tiger WC) VSU 10-0 0:29 Alyssa Garza (Limestone College)
Age Group Greco Roman | Weight 97 | Round Consi of 16 #2 |
Arthur Walthour (Marines) VPO1 6-1 Jaime Miranda (Marines)
Age Group Women's Freestyle | Weight 57 | Round Consi of 16 #1 |
Gabrielle Skidmore (Twin Cities Regional Training Center) VFA 1:24 6-0 Isabella Gonzalez (Grand View Wrestling Club)
Age Group Greco Roman | Weight 87 | Round Consi of 16 #2 |
George Sikes (New York Athletic Club) VPO1 4-3 Joel Nivar (Marines)
Age Group Women's Freestyle | Weight 50 | Round Consi of 16 #2 |
Brooke Thurber (Rabid Dawg Wrestling Club) VSU1 12-2 3:44 Jennesis Martinez (Colorado Mesa Wrestling Club)
Age Group Women's Freestyle | Weight 57 | Round Consi of 16 #1 |
Allison Petix (Team Tornado Wrestling Club) VFA 1:18 4-2 Cindy Zepeda (Colorado Mesa Wrestling Club)
Age Group Women's Freestyle | Weight 50 | Round Consi of 16 #2 |
Mariah Lomas (Unattached) VSU 10-0 2:18 Kory Phillips (Unattached)
Age Group Women's Freestyle | Weight 50 | Round Consi of 16 #2 |
Esther Walker (Warrior Wrestling Club) VSU 12-0 1:12 Alexandra Martinez (Limestone College)
Age Group Women's Freestyle | Weight 57 | Round Consi of 16 #1 |
Koral Sugiyama (Twin Cities Regional Training Center) VFA 4:18 8-0 Rebecca Drown (Unattached)
Age Group Women's Freestyle | Weight 50 | Round Consi of 16 #2 |
Arelys Valles (Grand View Wrestling Club) VSU1 12-1 2:51 Ira Jean Navarro (Unattached)