Iron Dog Classic Battle for the Belt [GA-USAW]
Age Group 12U Weight 95 Round Consi of 8 #2 Result
Jacob Pasley (Unattached) TF 16-0 Zeb Dawkins (The Wrestling Academy)
Age Group 12U Weight 95 Round Consi of 8 #2 Result
Jace Parent (Level Up Wrestling Center) F 1:48 Brock Gunnels (Grizzly Wrestling Club)
Age Group 12U Weight 95 Round Consi of 4 Result
Cason Cannon (Level Up Wrestling Center) DEC 5-0 Kanon Nelson (Collins Hill Youth Wrestling Club)
Age Group 12U Weight 105 Round RR Rnd 4 Result
Brian Papcun (Compound Wrestling) F 0:33 Kriecg Roe (Liberty Wrestling Club)
Age Group 12U Weight 105 Round RR Rnd 4 Result
Evan Wingrove (Grindhouse Wrestling) MD 12-0 Jesus Grimaldo (Unattached)
Age Group 12U Weight 105 Round RR Rnd 5 Result
Kriecg Roe (Liberty Wrestling Club) DEC 7-6 Cap Benson (Jefferson Wrestling Club)
Age Group 14U Weight 95 Round Consi-Semis Result
Aidan Karpinski (Level Up Wrestling Center) F 1:24 Parson (PJ) Weeks (Unattached)
Age Group 14U Weight 95 Round Consi-Semis Result
Samuel Lee (Trion Mat Dogs) F 2:54 Bryson Dooley (Rockmart Takedown Club)
Age Group 14U Weight 100 Round Consi-Semis Result
Nicholas Samples (Unattached) F 3:32 Bartolo Lopez (Gilmer Bobcat Wrestling)
Age Group 14U Weight 100 Round Consi-Semis Result
Seth Huskins (Grindhouse Wrestling) F 3:39 Noah Goswick (Gilmer Bobcat Wrestling)
Age Group 14U Weight 105 Round Consi-Semis Result
Cohen Blaschke (Grindhouse Wrestling) FOR William Bitterman (Compound Wrestling)
Age Group 14U Weight 105 Round Consi-Semis Result
Konlin Weaver (Unattached) DEC 7-4 Davin Lundquist (Icon Wrestling)
Age Group 12U Weight 73 Round Consi-Semis Result
Antonio Mills (Glasgow Wrestling Academy) DEC 2-1 Mason Persons (Icon Wrestling)
Age Group 12U Weight 90 Round Consi of 4 Result
Aidan Piatt (Grindhouse Wrestling) DEC 2-0 Kanon Nelson (Collins Hill Youth Wrestling Club)
Age Group 12U Weight 73 Round Consi-Semis Result
Reed Walker (Morris Fitness) DEC 11-5 Brock Salas (Morris Fitness)
Age Group 12U Weight 81 Round Consi-Semis Result
Jackson Butler (The Wrestling Center) FOR Landon Poole (Level Up Wrestling Center)
Age Group 12U Weight 81 Round Consi-Semis Result
Caleb Blair (Grindhouse Wrestling) DEC 7-2 Hayden Berry (Gilmer Bobcat Wrestling)
Age Group 12U Weight 85 Round Consi-Semis Result
Deven Hutcheson (Glasgow Wrestling Academy) F 1:17 Luke Casey (Rockmart Takedown Club)
Age Group 14U Weight 140 Round RR Rnd 3 Result
Garrett Krsul (The Grind Wrestling Club) F 1:08 James Roe (Team Georgia)
Age Group 14U Weight 135 Round Finals Result
Garrett Krsul (The Grind Wrestling Club) DEC 2-0 Logan Eller (Grindhouse Wrestling)
Age Group 14U Weight 160 Round RR Rnd 5 Result
Kaleb Davis (Gilmer Bobcat Wrestling) FOR ALBERT BUTLER (Unattached)
Age Group 14U Weight 135 Round 3rd Place Result
Charles Higdon (Gilmer Bobcat Wrestling) DEC 6-2 Kaleb Kornegay (Complex Training Center)
Age Group 14U Weight 160 Round RR Rnd 5 Result
Omaury Alvarez (Level Up Wrestling Center) F 1:38 Michael Posey (Icon Wrestling)
Age Group 14U Weight 90 Round RR Rnd 3 Result
Noah Danforth (Compound Wrestling) F 0:19 Garrett Neal (Paulding County High School Wrestling)
Age Group 14U Weight 80 Round 3rd Place Result
Hayden Santora (Liberty Wrestling Club) F 1:55 Logan Opdycke (Rockmart Takedown Club)