Event Venue
City of Tacoma: Tacoma DomeRegistration closed, we are unable to add additional wrestlers. If we could add more mats or hours to the day we would to accommodate all those who missed registration. We are sorry!!!
Our waitlist is long. IF possible we will reach out to those who we have on the list. We are not adding more to our waitlist
Weigh-ins Saturday at Fife High School 2-4pm
Event starts at 8am - 2pm for all 6U, 8U, 10U, 12U and Girls (Grades K-2 and 3-5)
2pm - Conclusion: 14U, 16U, Juniors, Open, Middle School Girls and High School Girls
Medal Top 8 for all brackets over 16; Brackets under 16 (8 man or RR) medal Top 4
(Will Combine Brackets if necessary)